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Нестеренко Виктор Геннадьевич, главный редактор журнала "НефтьГазПраво" Глухова Н.В., начальник лаборатории экономической эффективности освоения морских месторождений, Центр разработки морских нефтегазовых месторождений ООО "ВНИИГАЗ" Смирнов Александр, cтарший менеджер налогового отдела компании "Эрнст энд Янг" Кокин Виталий Николаевич, представитель компании "Норск Гидро" по связям с правительством и промышленностью


В.Г.НЕСТЕРЕНКО. Простое решение - не всегда путь к успеху

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Н.В.ГЛУХОВА. О соблюдении интересов инвесторов и государства при составлении схемы и условий СРП на примере проекта освоения месторождения "Приразломноe"


А.А.СМИРНОВ. Особенности налогообложения компаний нефтегазовой отрасли, осуществляющих деятельность на шельфе Каспийского моря


А.В.МИЛЬКОВ. Развитие законодательства о банкротстве субъектов естественных монополий


И.ГУДКОВ. Обеспечение надежности газовых поставок в ЕС: правовые и политические аспекты


В.Н.КОКИН. Право собственности на недра: мировой опыт и российский путь


Е.В.НОВИКОВА. О возможностях третейского рассмотрения споров в сфере недропользования

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Обзор судебных споров в области ТЭК




Новости www.lawtek.ru

#!/usr/bin/perl ############################################################################## # Cliff's Banner Rotater Version 2.51 # # Copyright 1998 Shaven Ferret Productions # # Created 7/8/98 Last Modified 12/04/98 # # Available at http://www.shavenferret.com/scripts # ############################################################################## # COPYRIGHT NOTICE # # Copyright 1998 Shaven Ferret Productions All Rights Reserved. # # # # This script can be used\modified free of charge as long as you don't # # change this header thing. By using this script you agree to indemnify # # me from any liability that might arise from its use. In simple English, # # if this script somehow makes your computer run amuck and kill the pope, # # it's not my fault. # # # # Redistributing\selling the code for this program without prior written # # consent is expressly forbidden. # ############################################################################## # If the ads directory is not in the same directory as this file, enter # the server path (not the URL) to the ads directory. Do not include a # trailing slash. $datadir = "/var/www/u6614017/data/www/journal.oilgaslaw.ru/cgi-bin/ban468"; ############################################################################## # Congratulations! You've finished defining the variables. If you want to, # # you can continue screwing with the script, but it isn't necessary. # ############################################################################## print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; srand(); open(FILE,"$datadir/main.txt"); @ads = ; close(FILE); for ($i = 0; $i <= $#ads; $i++) { chomp($ads[$i]); ($file,$weight,$page,$max) = split(/\|/, $ads[$i]); $page = "/" . $page; for ($j = 1; $j <= $weight; $j++) { if (($page ne "/" && $page eq $ENV{'DOCUMENT_URI'}) || ($page eq "/")) { splice(@choose,0,0,$i); } } } $adnum = int(rand($#choose)); ($file,$weight,$page,$max) = split(/\|/, $ads[$choose[$adnum]]); open(FILE,"$datadir/$file-ad.txt"); @adtext = ; close(FILE); foreach $line(@adtext) { print "$line"; } open(FILE,"$datadir/$file-count.txt"); flock(FILE,2); $count = ; close(FILE); $count++; unless ($max && $count >= $max) { open(FILE,">$datadir/$file-count.txt"); flock(FILE,2); print FILE "$count"; close(FILE); exit; } else { splice(@ads,$choose[$adnum],1); open(FILE,">$datadir/main.txt"); foreach $ad(@ads) { print FILE "$ad\n"; } close(FILE); unlink("$datadir/$file-count.txt"); unlink("$datadir/$file-ad.txt"); exit; } #!/usr/bin/perl ############################################################################## # Cliff's Banner Rotater Version 2.51 # # Copyright 1998 Shaven Ferret Productions # # Created 7/8/98 Last Modified 12/04/98 # # Available at http://www.shavenferret.com/scripts # ############################################################################## # COPYRIGHT NOTICE # # Copyright 1998 Shaven Ferret Productions All Rights Reserved. # # # # This script can be used\modified free of charge as long as you don't # # change this header thing. By using this script you agree to indemnify # # me from any liability that might arise from its use. In simple English, # # if this script somehow makes your computer run amuck and kill the pope, # # it's not my fault. # # # # Redistributing\selling the code for this program without prior written # # consent is expressly forbidden. # ############################################################################## # If the ads directory is not in the same directory as this file, enter # the server path (not the URL) to the ads directory. Do not include a # trailing slash. $datadir = "/var/www/u6614017/data/www/journal.oilgaslaw.ru/cgi-bin/ban234"; ############################################################################## # Congratulations! You've finished defining the variables. If you want to, # # you can continue screwing with the script, but it isn't necessary. # ############################################################################## print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; srand(); open(FILE,"$datadir/main.txt"); @ads = ; close(FILE); for ($i = 0; $i <= $#ads; $i++) { chomp($ads[$i]); ($file,$weight,$page,$max) = split(/\|/, $ads[$i]); $page = "/" . $page; for ($j = 1; $j <= $weight; $j++) { if (($page ne "/" && $page eq $ENV{'DOCUMENT_URI'}) || ($page eq "/")) { splice(@choose,0,0,$i); } } } $adnum = int(rand($#choose)); ($file,$weight,$page,$max) = split(/\|/, $ads[$choose[$adnum]]); open(FILE,"$datadir/$file-ad.txt"); @adtext = ; close(FILE); foreach $line(@adtext) { print "$line"; } open(FILE,"$datadir/$file-count.txt"); flock(FILE,2); $count = ; close(FILE); $count++; unless ($max && $count >= $max) { open(FILE,">$datadir/$file-count.txt"); flock(FILE,2); print FILE "$count"; close(FILE); exit; } else { splice(@ads,$choose[$adnum],1); open(FILE,">$datadir/main.txt"); foreach $ad(@ads) { print FILE "$ad\n"; } close(FILE); unlink("$datadir/$file-count.txt"); unlink("$datadir/$file-ad.txt"); exit; }

Адрес редакции: 115054 Москва, ул.Зацепа, 23, офис 11
Тел.: +7 (495) 235-25-49, 235-47-88 | e-mail: info@oilgaslaw.ru

© ООО "Нефть, Газ и Право", 2004
© Design by E.Vaitkiene